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Twin brothers before the lockdown

The Lédée twin brothers road trip from San Diego To San Francisco 

On February 17th, Manuel Claudeville Morell the photographer, picked up them at the  San Diego airport. The road trip started with an early session in Cardiff. Then, they headed up to the Santa Cruz area in the north.  Once arrived in Santa Cruz, the twins hurried to check all the "points" in town, and they decided that the wave that they were really interested in would be the opposite left of Pleasure Point: Wind and Sea. 

Follow @rvca_europe | Noé Lédée | Thomas Lédée 

Once familiar with the Spots de Santa Cruz, they visited Dave "Nelly" Nelson that was waiting for them to shoot in the water. The 52 year old photographer, a former skate punk figure of the 90's, has a palmares of 95 magazine covers. He took them to surf isolated spots on the wild coast south of Carmel, with Danis Handerson. From then on, every day was a new expedition...